Wednesday, 4 December 2013

Session 2 - SPaG and command words

This week we worked on spelling, punctuation and grammar.

How did you do on the spelling test?! Practice them at home.

We also looked at command words in an exam paper. Spend some time getting to know them...

GCSE Geography - Command Words


When completing your GCSE Geography exam you must read the question carefully and answer it in the right way to make sure that you get as many marks as possible. Always use geographical terms in your answers e.g. compass directions, use the scale of the map, give grid references.

Here are some of the command words that you may be given:

Annotate - add notes or labels to a map or diagram to explain what it shows.
Compare - look for ways in which features or places are similar or different. e.g. a city in an LEDC compared to a MEDC
Complete - add to a map or graph to finish it off.
Contrast - look for the differences between features or places. Often the question will ask you to compare and contrast.
Define - explain what something means e.g. freeze-thaw.
Describe - give details about what a map or diagram shows.
Discuss - usually wants a long answer, describing and giving reasons for or explaining arguments for and against.
Draw - a sketch map or diagram with labels to explain something.
Explain or account for - give reasons for the location or appearance of something.
Factors - reasons for the location of something such as a factory.
Give your ( or somebody else’s) views- say what you or a particular group think about something , for example should limestone quarries be allowed in the Peak District.
Identify - name, locate, recognise or select a particular feature or features, usually from a map, photo or diagram.
Mark - put onto a map or diagram.
Name, state, list - give accurate details or features.
Study - look carefully at a map, photo, table, diagram etc. and say what it shows.
With reference to /refer to examples you have studied - give specific details about your case studies.
With the help of/using the information provided - make sure you include examples from the information, including grid references if it is a map.

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