Monday, 27 January 2014

This week: Mastering place specic detail in case studies

Place specific detail for case studies – Geography working group

Use the resources to find place specific detail (3 pieces minimum) for each case study. Place specific detail is a piece of information that could only be applied to that particular case study – i.e. it is unique to that place/example.

China’s One Child policy

 Poland to UK international migration

 UK internal migration

River Tees - A* EXAMPLE: Source - Cross Fell in the Pennines 893m above sea level where rainfall over 2000mm a year. High Force waterfall in upper course. 21m - amongst the largest in England. Whinstone, an igneous rock over limestone. Pastoral farming (sheep) in upper course, arable in middle/lower. Cow Green reservoir stores water for towns and industry and helps prevent flooding  of lower course. Yarm - market town and old inland port prone to flooding a bridge in a meander. Meander straightened in 1810 to improve navigation (Mandale Loop near Stockton).
 Boscastle flood

Bangladesh flood


The Dorset Coastline

 Coastal management Pevensey Bay


Wateraid Mali

 Location of industry – Southeast Brazil (LEDC)

 Location of industry UK –Cambridge Science Park (MEDC)

 MNC – Nike / Coca cola